
In a relationship在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

在In a relationship這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者bigfeet也提到 不太確定這裡是否能提問,看了版規,好像可以, 若有差錯,敬請告知。 買了台二手的hitachi 240x zoom的數位攝影機, 但不知道怎麼使用,插了SD卡,但還是顯示no card, 手邊也沒有小的光碟片測試, 不知道哪位大大有操作手冊?或者知道哪邊可下載? 或者能推薦台北哪邊有合適的維修廠商? 此為攝影機的型號介紹 http://www.fuji.com.tw/product...

此外,另一位作者lef1986也提到 : 昨天針對pana新出的新聞稿 : http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/12/panasonic-buries-rumors-of-plasma-tv-death/ : pana繼續生產電漿,一堆自稱專家,這下臉被打腫了XD http://gdgt.com/panasonic/smart-viera/zt60-series/ The ZT60 serie...

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[問題] 請教操作說明hitachi240x數位攝影機

PNO=260#tabr2 非常感謝 -- May our relationship finally rest in peace. --

[情報] CES 2011:三星展示新款 9系列LED 3DTV

http://tinyurl.com/2bdwr7j We might already be here at CES in Las Vegas, but that isn't stopping Samsung from doing some very last minute teasing.

[新聞] 美國速食店逐漸走向高價餐點路線

But deals priced at $5 and under have become less generous in the last 18 months.

[情報] 三星發表OLED HDTV

CES, but now it's surprising the world by showing off the first mass produced ES9500 models at the 2012 World's Fair (which is appar ently still a thing?)

Re: [情報] Panasonic 將退出電漿電視市場

2013/04/12/panasonic-buries-rumors-of-plasma-tv-death/ : pana繼續生產電漿,一堆自稱專家,這下臉被打腫了XD http://gdgt.com/panasonic/smart-viera/zt60-series/ The ZT60 series from Panasonic is new for 2013 and will come in

