
a few用法在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

在a few用法這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者ankala也提到 http://tinyurl.com/2bdwr7j We might already be here at CES in Las Vegas, but that isn't stopping Samsung from doing some very last minute teasing. The Korean maker of everything electronic has r...

此外,另一位作者bjk也提到 新買的電視沒過多久 遙控器無法使用 工程師說 接收機板 壞了 但是好好的怎麼會壞 他說可能這邊比較潮濕 還收了1300 -- When we toss a coin , we obtain either head or tail. Now we toss a coin 5 times. There are 2^5 possible outcomes. How many of ...

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a few用法的PTT 評價、討論一次看

[情報] CES 2011:三星展示新款 9系列LED 3DTV

The Korean maker of everything electronic has released a few teaser images for its new flagship 9 Series LED-backlit 3DTV.

[情報] 三星發表OLED HDTV

從八卦板看到的 不會轉板 只好貼的 新聞聯結 http://www.engadget.com/2012/05/10/samsung-es9500-oled-worlds-fair/ We got a first hand look at Samsung's stunning 55-inch OLED HDTV prototypes earlier this year during

[問題] LG LS5700 無線鍵盤+滑鼠? 注音輸入?

爬了網路上許多文 查到有網友說了這麼一段: It's not mentioned in the manual, but you can attach a wireless keyboard through a USB port. That lets you enter text more easily than you can with the on-screen keyboard.

[問題] HDMI手機+電視 輸出問題,含交叉測試

BenQ 55RV6600 - A電視 Asus Padfone Infinity - A手機 小米2S - B手機 A手機+MyDP線材+HDMI+A電視,之前功能正常 但最近無正常投影到電視,畫面一直出不來,感覺電視一直reset?!還是搜尋HDMI輸入?

[液晶] sharp 遙控器 接收機板

新買的電視沒過多久 遙控器無使 工程師說 接收機板 壞了 但是好好的怎麼會壞 他說可能這邊比較潮濕 還收了1300 -- When we toss a coin , we obtain either head or tail. Now we toss a coin 5 times. There are 2^5 possible outcomes.

