

在long中文這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者nkhs9412235也提到 自己回自己文章,沒想到用 Line Pay 卡還有加碼 5% 回饋,明天可以把冰凍的 Line Pay 卡拿出來囉! 活動網頁: https://www.ctbcbank.com/tw/html/long/mcdonalds/index.html https://i.imgur.com/0ganfG3.jpg --

此外,另一位作者hoyumi也提到 Burger King Indonesia Concocts a New "Purple Seoul" Menu While Burger King locations across the globe have been concocting a variety of new innovations, over in Indonesia, the burger chain has wh...


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Re: [討論] 麥當勞限時期間刷中信卡滿99有冰淇淋兌換券

自己回自己章,沒想到用 Line Pay 卡還有加碼 5% 回饋,明天可以把冰凍的 Line Pay 卡拿出來囉! 活動網頁: https://www.ctbcbank.com/tw/html/long/mcdonalds/index.html https://i.imgur.com/0ganfG3.jpg --

[情報] 中信atm肯德基優惠券

信atm看到的「肯德基想見您歡聚桶」 內容物: 5塊雞(桶)+雙色地瓜QQ球+點心盒+3杯小冰紅 價格:299元 https://www.ctbcbank.com/content/dam/minisite/long/atm/ATM/P4.html (券被我用掉了,放連結想看的可以看) 算過了用單價算5塊雞,全部$469 若用2-4人歡聚餐裡的5塊雞價格,全部$394 總歸還是優惠券最划算 有興趣的可以去領一下

[情報] CES 2011:三星展示新款 9系列LED 3DTV

No further details or specs are available as of yet, but mysteries like that don't tend to hang around for too long in this city and at this time of the year. -- 長得有點特別.... -- ◆ From:

[閒聊] 想念漢堡王的華香雞排堡

深夜懷舊一下 今天經過資漢堡王 吃了總匯辣雞腿堡 雖然不錯吃,但有點惆悵..

[新聞] 印尼漢堡王推出「紫色首爾」漢堡

First on the list is the Purple Seoul Beef Burger that stacks an Australian beef patty with grated mozzarella, purple cabbage for some crunch and long strips of K-Rashers drizzled with Korean spicy-sweet

