
my only one在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

在my only one這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者DistinyX也提到 爬了網路上許多文 查到有網友說了這麼一段: It's not mentioned in the manual, but you can attach a wireless keyboard through a USB port. That lets you enter text more easily than you can with the on-screen keyboard....

此外,另一位作者nike3238也提到 最進想買42吋電視 爬文很久最終挑了下面兩台 請大家幫忙推薦ㄧ下 LG LA 6200 Panasonic TH-P42ST60W -- posted from android bbs reader on my HTC One X https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bbs.reader -- ◆ From:

my only one在ptt上的文章推薦目錄

my only one的PTT 評價、討論一次看

[問題] LG LS5700 無線鍵盤+滑鼠? 注音輸入?

But the wireless mouse that pairs with my new wireless keyboard doesn't work. LG tech support says the set can take only one user input even though there are three USB ports.

Re: [問題] 請問已經有SONY藍光BD player,接下來劇 …

: 如果是,那sony all in one的藍光劇院組,頂多40000塊 : 都還不到一台藍光擴大機的單機價格, : 是不是根本不算藍光劇院?只是Player可以播藍光片而已?

[問題] 關於漢堡王華堡的醬汁

-- Sent from nPTT on my iPad 9.7-Inch 6th Gen (Wi-Fi Only) --

[情報] 美墨萬聖節優惠

剛剛fb看到的 分享給大家 我就是當初一個人吃6塊雞桶餐的那位啦 德州美墨炸雞-萬聖節強檔活動三部曲 抓鬼優惠套餐(10/01-10/31) 抓鬼5塊雞桶餐 only $199 (炸雞皆不挑選部位) 抓鬼獨享餐 only $100 (2塊炸雞+中飲) (炸雞皆不挑選部位) https://i.imgur.com/8l8rMOT.jpg https://i.imgur.com/XSX1kK6

[問題] 42電視 LG & Panasonic 選擇

最進想買42吋電視 爬文很久最終挑了下面兩台 請大家幫忙推薦ㄧ下 LG LA 6200 Panasonic TH-P42ST60W -- posted from android bbs reader on my HTC One X https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bbs.reader -- ◆ From:

