
the purpose driven life在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說

在the purpose driven life這個產品中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者william0612也提到 各位先進大家好 想請教一個問題 如圖的這種數位天線底座有強力磁鐵 http://ppt.cc/L1WK 我現在是把它放在壁掛液晶電視的後面 與牆壁的中間的空隙中 我略知液晶電視與CRT成像原理的不同 但我是想要知道 這磁鐵對於 電視內部的零件 如 PCB IC之類的 或是 電視內建的喇叭 (放置位置剛好就在喇叭口) 長期下來會不會有影響呢? 實在有點擔心 先謝謝各位! ...

此外,另一位作者ss910126也提到 來源:https://goo.gl/oSg7O5 內文: Aptly called the “Sweety con Nutella.” McDonald’s is making every hazelnut-chocolate lover’s dreams come true with its new Nutella burger. Called “Sweety con Nutella...

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[問題] 數位天線底座磁鐵對電視有影響嗎?

-- The world ain't all sunshine n rainbows.It's a very mean n nasty place. N it'll beat u to ur knees n keep u there permanently if u let it. You,me or nobody's gon hit as hard as life.

[新聞] 天壤之別? 德國麥當勞套餐質感打趴台灣

原來,圖中的套餐是國外麥當勞所推出的The signature-collection系列,有別於以往大家心目中的經典套餐。 http://m.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/1972602 ----- Sent from JPTT on my OPPO A1601. --

[問題] Sharp AQUOS LC-60XF3DT的展示品這個價

-- I - with my eyes burning much more strongly than Robert De Niro's in "The Taxi Driver", my heart not more restless than a soldier boy facing death on battleline - started the engine of the bike I stole

Fw: [情報] Apple TV app is now available on all Android TV devi

Starting today, the Apple TV app is now available on all modern Android TV devices. Nvidia broke the news of the app arriving on its Shield TV today, but the good news goes beyond that.

[新聞] 義大利麥當勞推出nutella漢堡

來源:https://goo.gl/oSg7O5 內文: Aptly called the “Sweety con Nutella.” McDonald’s is making every hazelnut-chocolate lover’s dreams come true with its new Nutella burger.

